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tv   FOX Friends  FOXNEWSW  February 8, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PST

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something evil. two trying to break into a florida gas station. they tried to use a hammer to get inside. after no avail after getting denied over and over again the burglars finally walked away. abby: they deserve it. heather: glass wins that one. abby: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. >> the decision could come at any moment in the high stakes legal battle over president trump's immigration order. >> i actually can't believe that we're having to fight to protect the security of our nation. i can't even believe it. >> betsy devos has just been sworn in as the new education secretary. >> but it took a never before tie breaking vote. >> the vice president votes in the affirmative and the nomination is confirmed. >> extreme weather alert. tornadoes slamming southern louisiana today ripping houses from their foundations. [screams] a tornado. >> next thing you know i'm in the bass tub and the house collapse. >> elizabeth warren banned after igniting firestorm blistering attack on jeff
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sessions. >> is he a disgrace. >> the senator is reminded that it is a violation of rule 19. >> i appeal the ruling. >> the objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. >> there is a new sheriff in town. i hear there is so much data. they always use data. a new sheriff in town. >> i told you we're going to bring this sucker home and we brought it home. [cheers and applause] ♪ rock in the u.s.a. r-o-c-k in the u.s.a. yeah, yeah. >> you know it's a big day. >> parade in boston. you would think it was the first time think won. i never remember the country so elated with any super bowl. third highest rated in the history of the big game. and yesterday's parade pure euphoria. and i don't know where tom brady gave the power to give the entire sit day off. he gave the city the day off.
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steve: they felt sorry for him because he didn't have a shirt. ainsley: we don't mind. did he show up with a shirt on. i love him. i love him. i want to hang out with him on weekend. he seems so fun. he didn't even get to play in the game because he was injured. brian: he does seem fun. i really give him credit. because he said he went intentionally just to go to the parade. then he realized the people wanted him to party. so he gave the people what they wanted and drank a dozen beers. ainsley: he was pouring them on himself. sea big partier. he has a lot of fun apparently. steve: i was at an event at the super bowl and he was in attendance. he had to give a speech and it was three or four minutes. at the conclusion he goes all right, i'm done. let's party. because that's him. all right. well. >> congratulations to the patriots. brian: that's eddleman who many of our staff thinks is attractive. ainsley: this is a debate -- not a debate. he has a beard.
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you kant see his face right now. brian: you look at willie robertson and you don't say to him i don't know what he looks like. ainsley: i have asked his wife she said no i like it better without the beard but i know he has to have it for the show. brian: because it helps bring money in. ainsley: right. steve: congratulations to the pats and now the news. ainsley: a decision could come at any moment in the high stix legal battle over president trump's legal order. brian: fate in the epic showdown between the white house and judicial authority now in the hands of the ninth court of appeals. steve: griff jenkins is live in d.c. with the latest. griff, tell us what happened on the phone. >> good morning, guys, no day off here in washington. the ninth circuit of appeals deciding any minute now on merely whether or not the president's travel ban should remain in effect. not on the larger issue of the con stiewrkt of the executive order. the hearing got heated last night as a three judge panel pressed attorneys for washington state and minnesota to prove harm exists.
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>> executive order itself caused irreparable harm. >> what's irreparable harm to the state of washington? >> we had students and faculty at our state universities stranded overseas. we had families who were separated. we had long-time residents who could not travel overseas to visit their families without knowing that they would be able to come back. >> and the judge has hammered away at the administration's attorneys over their motivation for the ban. >> has the government pointed to any evidence connecting these countries with terrorism? >> in 2015 and 2016, both congress and the administration made determinations that these seven countries posed the greatest risk of terrorism. in doing so restricted visa waivers to people who even traveled to those countries over the last five or six years.
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the executive order relies on that determination. >> now we wait for a decision and the case ultimately headed to the supreme court. interesting to note, guys, as many as a million people may have dialed in for live stream hearing. steve: quite a party line. we should point out the attorney representing the united states of america and the department of justice, i believe he got the assignment yesterday afternoon. because they figured out hey, wait a minute, the top two lawyers are from formerly jones day a big attorney law firm in washington, d.c. jones day is involved in some of the litigation against the trump administration so they said, you know what? you two better not do it. hey, number three, come on. sit down. you are up. brian: legal experts say that's exactly what you have got. you guy a guy who wasn't the strongest guy and a guy who was not that familiar or didn't necessarily have his heart in the case. the judge said basically in the middle of it by the way i don't think i'm winning you over. let's start again with a different tact. that's not a good sign.
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ainsley: ruling will come as soon as possible. no matter what they decide it could actually go to the supreme court. here's the thing it's so caught up in the court system. all of us want this to be done with. it could take months. steve: ultimately though, they are not deciding the constitutionality of the ban. what they're doing simply is trying to figure out whether or not judge robart's temporary restraining order stands while they actually examine the constitutionality of it in lower courts. brian: so here is my question. while they are figuring this out in the ninth district and the supreme court, just work on the vetting process. this was a pause in order to work out extreme vetting. so let's hope they are just working on extreme vetting. by the time it comes to the court forget the pause. undo the pause. here is my vetting. this is what i'm going to do with seven nations that have collapsed governments or can't verify their citizens. this is the procedure we will have to get to before you come here. ainsley: if you are a terrorist in one of these seven countries we better get over there a sap and won't get vetted.
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steve: 90 days. chewed up 10 days of the 90 days. brian: still okay. steve: speaking of law enforcement. the new president of the united states was surrounded by a bunch of sheriffs yesterday. they came in and gave him the thumbs up. it was interesting. at one point he made some comments, president trump did, about he cannot believe that to defend this nation he is getting hauled in to court. listen to this. >> i actually can't believe that we're having to fight to protect the security in a court system to protect the security of our nation. i can't even believe it a lot of people agree with us. believe me. there is a group of people out there and i mean much more than half of our country. much, much more. you are not allowed to use the term silent majority anymore, you know. you are not allowed. because they make that into a whole big deal. there is a group of people out there, massive, massive numbers. far bigger than what you see protesting. and if those people ever protested you would see a real
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protest. they want to see our border and country secure. they want to see people who love our country come in. not people looking to destroy our country. brian: that's the mind set of why president trump got elected. this is what i have to do to protect the people. not protect trump tower but to protect the country. however, when i saw general kelly, now he is secretary of homeland security open up yesterday and say, look, this son me. it's the way it's implemented. i should have checked with congress and should have gotten leadership involved and worked on other details. basically this won't happen again. wow, that's accountability. now, i'm not sure that what is really on the job two days and maybe the communication wasn't as great. i get the sense this is correctable. i get the sense this did not have to be as complicated. if there is better communication. he would would not be in the court right now. this is exactly what the american people want. they understand the threat of terror. ainsley: and donald trump saying i am the new sheriff in town. and we are learning as we go, basically, but he is saying this is why i was elected because i'm trying to drain the swamp.
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instead, this getting so caught up in the courts and all we want to do is make this country safe and we need to listen to the generals and listen to the sheriff and the people i have appointed to handle homeland security. brian: the way they presented it got himself in to trouble. they are to blame for the trouble they are in right now in the courts because of the way it was rolled out. steve: here is the thing, brian. democrats have a game plan. that is whatever trump does, president trump does is to oppose it. he could come out on day one with something that would be absolutely perfect and they would still be doing exactly what they're doing. hauling him in to court and whatnot. ainsley: it's not like we didn't know he was going to do this. it might have been rolled out -- we knew he was going to do. this this is what he campaigned on. steve: laura ingraham was on with sean hannity in the 10:00 hour last night. this is all part of the new normal with the democrats. listen. >> this is what we have to expect. i told the top member of the administration a couple weeks
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after the election, looked him right in the eye and i said i hope you understand every day this is going to be a war. this is going to be a war to delegitimize your government. it's going to be a war to get you off track. get you on the defensive. get to you say stuff out of anger and then say ah-ha see, i told you so. get you to be tied up in knots in the legal system so you can't see straight. the democrats are going to play the same smash mouth politics that they believe they were embarrassed by over the last year and a half by trump. steve: revenge, in other words. brian: or could be revenge for what they say republican were doing to barack obama trying to stop him every step of the way. steve: sewerly. let's turn to abby huntsman. someone finally invoked rule 19 last night. abby: right? it was historic day. good to see you this morning. steve: good morning. abby: other headlines to get to. a fox news alert. on capitol hill where senate democrats are grinding the confirmation process to an historic halted. you are looking right now live
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at their second overnight debated. this one over jeff sessions. but the real firework says steve doocy was just saying erupted over a shocking veto to silence outspoken liberal elizabeth warren following her blistering attack on the attorney general nominee. take a listen. >> i ask leave of the senate to continue my remarks. >> is there objection? >> object. >> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. abby: warren not allowed to utter another word throughout the rest evidence sessions' confirmation. also overnight fight against terror. according to the "new york times." the terrorist hot bed is never noe longer giving permission to conduct anti-terror ground mission. this comes after controversial raid last month against al qaeda militants. and the country that killed navy seal chief petty officer william owens. it's still unclear if the president's executive order against immigration that
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includes yemen is linked to that decision. desperate manhunt for quadrupled billie boye it te stand off. his accomplice mary rice is alive and behind bars. suspected of killing four women from florida and alabama. latest victim a mother who died after being shot inside her home. her baby just steps away when that happened. most of the murders appear to be random. so horrible. and now to extreme weather. louisiana under a state of emergency after seven tornadoes touched down carve ago path of destruction. nearly 130 mile-per-hour winds whipping across new orleans parking lot as you can see there. tossing a tractor-trailer around like a toy. [screams] look, a tornado! >> capturing another tornado tearing off a roof and tipping
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a tractor-trailer on its side. so far no deaths reported. apparently it's heading right our way as janice dean has been warning us. steve: big cold front moving through. ainsley: tonight. brian: bring your chapstick. you don't want your lips splitting. ainsley: now don't or your fingers. coming up. law and order at the white house. president trump meeting with sheriffs from across the country. so what happened? we will ask a sheriff who was inside that room next. brian: caving to liberal pressure? the new stars -- the new stores turning their back on ivanka trump, even though her stuff is the best. ♪ your love ♪ nobody can drag me down ♪ nobody, nobody ♪ nobody can drag me down ♪ ♪ your body was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you.
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what's wrong? ready or you're not. i got ten new guys starting tomorrow. ten? paul, pauline... is pauline a guy? sorry. mike, mike, mike and mike. michelle. okay, you need uniforms, work gloves, goggles, hard hats,
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all the safety gear. i'm on it. well that's good, 'cuz i got 15 more new guys starting tuesday. i'm ready. you're ready? ♪ oh, i'm ready... am i ready? what? am i ready? you're ready. i'm ready! cintas. ready for the workday. >> we preach you being where you are at. the first responsibility of government is to protect his people as you are elected by the people. you are elected by the people. we got that when you said you are new sheriff in town. we relate to that we rule of law. we haven't seen that in many years. ainsley: president trump meeting with sheriffs across the country talking to restoring order and keeping our country safe. page of north carolina was there and talked to the president and he joins us now to discuss what happened there at the white house. good morning to you, sheriff. thanks for joining us.
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>> good morning. ainsley: tell us what you dawkd about with the president. >> well, we had the opportunity to talk with the president some general law enforcement concerns. everything from concerns about the heroin epidemic and how a lot of our heroin has come through our southern border and the importance of slowing or stemming that flow. we talked about supporting one another. partnerships between federal, state, and local law enforcement. have some just general discussion. i actually got to meet the new sheriff in town and that's president trump. >> he was in good company. 12 of you selected from the national sheriff's association executive committee. you were there for meetings in washington this week. we will talk about that in a minute. i want to get to sanctuary cities. i know you are in north carolina. not a sanctuary state or city. look at california they want to become a sanctuary state. what's your opinion and did you talk to the president about that? >> did i not personally bring up the conversation. but i think with the sanctuary state or the sanctuary city situation, basically what it is, you encourage persons to
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come to those areas that are involved in legal activity and persons that are in our country illegally. it's kind of a magnet. ainsley: how hard is it for your fellow sheriffs who did doo live in areas that are sanctuary cities. how hard is it for them to enforce law enforcement in those areas? >> again, a lot of times it's your elected officials. your mayors. your town councils that go in and enact these sanctuary policies and what it does it prohibits law enforcement from cooperating with our federal partners. not only being a violation of the federal code, it does hamper us. we in north carolina, you know, we work with all of our state, local, and federal partners through our task force. we have been doing it for many years. again, i would encourage that cooperation. i think it really hampers their ability to do their job. ainsley: i know that dhs secretary john kelli and rob o'neill is speaking to your group. is the president speaking to your whole group as well? >> yes. i understand he will be addressing sheriffs adoes the rucountry i think today.
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and, again, it's a great honor. this is something we haven't seen in the past 8 years in the former administration. we now have the opportunity to engage the president and, again, like i say, we are all excited that we are seeing something now we haven't seen in a long time support. and we need that. ainsley: all right. sheriff sam page. thanks for joining us this morning. wish you all the best in washington. >> thank you. ainsley: imagine your child come home from school with a letter that says the president hates immigrants. no conservatives aloud. colleges kicking republicans off the campus. why are they doing this? we'll take a closer look at that. >> right now there are a lot of people in this audience, a lot of people contacting me on my phone right now that just don't feel safe with this club being here. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me,
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the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. know when i got sick my mom used to make me chicken noodle soup. aw, ok... you should call your mom. bye. campbell's chicken noodle soup. there when no one else is. campbell's. made for real, real life. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service...
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o. brian: glad you're up. >> hope you are dressed. under armor ceo under fire after addressing president trump. a self-made millionaire met with the white house last month calling him pro-business. quote. and a real asset to the country. can you imagine that? now some twitter users are vowing to boycott underarmor products which support the military. four more retailers dropped ivanka trump's line days after nordstrom and neiman marcus did. the home shopping network will apparently stopping carrying ivanka's clothes and accessories. this follows online boycott against the trump family businesses i say everyone get on line and bypass retailers. hi, steve. steve: hi, brian. actually i had a friend last night that called and said they have cancelled in order trump's card. another conservative group rejected from a college campus this time at santa clara university in northern california.
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the reason? well, take a listen. >> right now there are a lot of people in this audience, a lot of people that are contacting me on my phone right now that just don't feel safe with this club being here. >> the benefit of being a part of this charter organization are really kind of outweighed by the amount of students that would feel unsafe. >> they are a direct threat to me. >> it's not infringing on free speech to saying we don't want this organization on campus. >campus. steve: they don't want that organization on campus. this video taken from the meeting where the student senate voted against the chapter of turning points u.s.a. 16-10. joining success founder and executive director of turning points u.s.a. and charlie, it's fair to say you are a conservative group, right? >> that's correct. yeah. we stand for free markets and constitution. i'm still trying to figure out how that makes college students feel unsafe. but they found some backwards reverse engineering way to see that. we standing for freedom
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somehow makes them feel unsafe. and because of that they have barred our organization from existing and our student's right to assemble. steve: charlie, i read the transcript. it looks like what they tried to do is tried to lump you in with white supremacy groups and essentially say you invite this group on campus with white pointy hats. >> unbelievable not to mention some of the members co-sponsors getting this started are hispanic. i would like to see how they are going to rationalize that one. this is a typical playbook from the left. this is something we learned from the obama years if you disagree with the leftist orthodoxy they are going to call you a racist. they don't need facts or figures or any citations needed. that's this is what has happened at this university. i think it's a tragedy because these students turning point and same members they want to talk about capitalism, free markets and constitution. they are not taking a stance on black lives matter or any
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of this stuff and being thrown under the bus and their right to assemble and free speech has been completely barred by leftists on campus that are silencing them just because they disagree. steve: but it's all based not on fact but their feeling. >> that's right. steve: you invite this group onto the campus and i don't feel safe. that's hard to quantify. when asked about that, nobody could really explain how your group on campus is going to make it a dangerous situation. >> precisely. let's talk about safety. do you know who is actually not safe on campus? conservative students. they are the ones being targeted. look at u.c. berkeley conservative speaker comes on christ campus they are going to riot, throw down fire bombs and burn down buildings. left wing using that as excuse. the left hates the idea that there are other ideas. and they are trying to really silence anybody on campus they sea dangerous precedent be set.
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>> steve: makes me feel bad. yont another point of view on campus which is the number one place, other points of view it wasn't just the students. there were members of the staff from that university who came out and talked against you. >> it's astonishing. these are paid faculty members coming out and saying we as a university must take a stand against turning point u.s.a. now, again, we're just -- we're fighting for free markets and constitution. and, look, a university is supposed to be a place where disagreement, the free flow of ideas happen. where beam can say i respect your opinion but i respectfully disagree. universities are no longer those places. they are really islands of totalitarianism where if you disagree with the faculty, the professor, the administration, the left wing students on campus you can't respectfully disagree. you will be silenced, you many be suppressed and called a racist. we organization use really ever single weapon in our inventory to fight back against this. steve: how many college campuses are you on right now?
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>> we are present on over 1,000 college high school campuses. this is happening all across the country. we are not going to back down. we are going to double down. steve: charlie kirk the founder and executive director of turning point, u.s.a. charlie, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you so. steve: what do you think about that? crazy, right? email us at friends at imagine your kids coming home with a letter that says oooyour president hates immigrants. what's president trump doing these days? we have his pickeringtons. and boy, does he look happy. not to be president anymore with all of that responsibility. but, first, happy birthday vince neil, the molly crew front man. 56 today. ♪
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are the ones who can't wait to get out in it. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. ♪ we that double vision ♪ no disguise ♪ for that double vision ♪ >> who is the foreign. steve: shot of the morning. yesterday we met the new miss universe of france. many of you thought she was abby huntsman's twin. look at that? >> that is historical. brian: watch this, abby. >> folks here who watch, who
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are loyal viewers, they think you look like one of the anchors here. our weekend anchor is abby huntsman. we have to put up her picture. on socialed m social media whene crowned. ainsley: y'all do look so much alike. when you walked in all the guys were like gosh she looks so much like abby. people were saying you look a lot alike. you have a twin. we have to introduce to you abby. >> i want to see her. ainsley: she lives in florks. we have to go to lunch. >> let's do lunch. that's a great idea. ainsley: did meet her yesterday? abby: i went to bed early because i do 5:00 a.m. show. i woke up early and my phone was bloog up. what is everyone talking about. steve: con imratflations. >> i have been compared to worse things so i will take it for a day. steve: would you like to do the newscast now with a french accent. >> and crown?
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ainsley: do you speak french? >> did i in high school. ainsley: do you think you lookalike. >> the hair is exactly the same and the nose and the coloring. it is kind of funny. >> you are both very pretty. >> it's a compliment. steve: prank somebody with miss universe. brian: just get yourself a sash and crown. abby: i wasn't here yesterday so i might have been playing her. you neff know. ainsley: deadly campus mystery unfolding at penn state university. police trying to figure out why it took students 12 hours to report 19-year-old timothy piaza was unconscious at a frat house. members say he fell down the basement stairs at a party. the corone rule his death as accidents. police are hoping surveillance video from inside the house will help shed like on exactly what happened. fraternity is now suspended. a massive mudslide splits a home apart. stop what you are doing and take a look at this right here.
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>> unreal the home collapsing into the street outside of san francisco after strong winds and rain tore through the area. mud slamming through the walls. slamming support beams and knocking the home off its foundation. the house was eminem at this and luckily no one got hurt. abby: outraged after sent home with anti-trump propaganda. all 381,000 students. they were given letter from the ceo of chicago public schools slamming illinois republican governor and president trump for allegedly cheating students of funding the letter. reading this: they know that every day they cheat your children of their fair share. they can score political points with their supporters just like president trump. wow. and wonder what president obama has been up to since leaving office? apparently he is hanging out with richard branson in the islands. look at him there. is he also learning how to kite scurep.
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virgin mogul's private island last week. branel son said the former study kite surf tough to do. he did it for two days and made it more than 300 feet before as you can see there wiping out. brian: that water is kind of rough. i'm taking a vacation for a little while. steve: apparently when he was president of the united states because is he from hawaii he he wanted to surf. they said no you can't surf. brian: remember what happened to greg brady when he fell and hit his head. steve: was greg brady president? brian: no. still a risk. could have cost the whole series. steve: thank you miss universe, thank you. meanwhile from miss universe to miss planet and weather. janice: oh, thank you. where's my sash. you know what? we have a big winter storm coming. and i was surprised that brian kilmeade did not ask me about the local forecast. he says it's because he doesn't think it's going to snow. so you either take my word or brian's, i do believe we're going to get a big snow storm
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across the northeast. it's going to start overnight tonight and the worst of it is coming tomorrow during the rush hour. the reason why we are making such a big deal out of this it's because it's going to effect millions of people really from portfolio boston. and a swath of 6 to 10 inches plus in some cases could be happening really for the duration of the rush hour towards tomorrow afternoon. you can see that leading edge of snow moving in around 50:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. for philadelphia, i'm concerned because it's going to start as heavy rain and then all of a sudden transition into snow. it might catch people off guard. but there are going to be cancellations. there are going to be delays. there are going to be school closures. so you need to pay close attention. and, of course, delays at the airport across the northeast, that's going to mean delays across the country. by tomorrow afternoon, it will be out of here. but, yes, we are talking about 6 to 10 inches of snow. heavy snow coming during the busiest rush hour during the morning rush hour and lasting until the afternoon. i mean, that's a big deal across portions of the
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northeast. boston hasn't been under a winter storm warning since january of last year. so we'll be following it this will be the big story today. and we will cover it live from the fox news extreme weather center. steve: janice, i have feeling tomorrow could be the first time you make a snow angel for 2017. janice: no i already did that because we got five or six inches of snow along rhode island. there will be 5 or 6 tomorrow morning for sure. steve: thank you very much. she is excited about the snow as most kids are. ainsley: kids are. brian: that's why we should put retractible roof on the east coast but the it up now. ainsley: just like the super bowl? brian: straight ahead on our show john kelly says terrorists are using the policis to get inside america. that's not all. ainsley: 63 and still stunning. christie brinkley shocking the world with her new photo shoot with her daughters.
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what's her secret? we will ask the experts. >> i'm bringing sexy back ♪ don't know how to act. i think it's special what's behind your back ♪ yeah ♪
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janice: doesn't matter. ainsley: you already have a job. you are not going to the u.k. no. brian: protest the president's temporary travel restrictions. the secretary of homeland security is warning that terrorists are looking to exploit weaknesses in our immigration policy as it exists. >> we know that there are thousands of fighters coming out of the caliphate fight that have papers that could easily, not easily, could bring them to certainly western europe and the united states. the terrorists are attempting to gain access to the united states passing themselves off potentially as refugees, i do believe that they have got that in mind. brian: they made it easy for us. they actually said they are trying to do that. ryan morrow here is national security analyst with the clarion project. ryan, during that testimony with general kelly, the first thing he did was take responsibility for not communicating effectively the pause. how much do we need the pause?
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>> well, i think that the pause is better than what we had before, right? because when you actually read the executive order which i recommend people do because i think most people haven't, what you see is you have the pause and then have you extreme vetting procedures are put in to vet out ideological enemies of the united states. not just terrorist operatives but people that might want to oppress guys or conduct honor killings against women. that allows you to better identify your friends. i have mixed feelings. there are things about it that i would like exceptions with the travel ban. it's not a muslim ban but overall it's better than before and we are headed in the right direction. brian: countries are made up of collapsed governments. >> right. brian: libya is a mess. sudan, absolute travesty what takes place there. iran we know the tragedies and afghanistan and pakistan are not included. >> that's partially just because of practicality.
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the first step when they are choosing these countries is going by off of the criteria of the obama administration. so i can imagine conversation where they said if we want to build consensus for this then let's use the obama administration's and take it a step further. saudi arainia, people going back and forth. more businesses.ere the calculation would be different but extreme investigated will help take care of that if someone is coming from saudi arabia and pakistan that will be party of extreme vetting. >> part of what they proposed in the executive order is to do a pause in these nations because we think there is imminent danger not specific that they reveal but danger because of the likelihood of extremists coming here because of the plethora of attacks taking place. so do you feel as though those seven nations pass it okay but to be totally comprehensive you have got to include other nations from sab saudi arabia and pakistan will jeopardize relations.
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what's your focus. >> based on which groups are threatening you there. it shouldn't just be about terrorist operatives. look at polls of muslim majority countries around the world. look how many will say al qaeda is a legitimate resistant group not a terrorist group. that's not a terrorist operative but someone has extremist mind set could become a threat in the future. that's where the vetting halls to be. amazing that progressives haven't celebrated parts of the executive order that specifically say we're going to look for people that believe in honor killings, that want to oppress guys that want to undermine our values even if they're not terrorist operatives those are progressive issues. brian: last week. seven days ago four different terror attacks that the trump administration thinks were played down over the last 8 years. we know about orlando and san bernardino and fort hood. when you look to that list. were you also stunned and do you feel as though that more of these attacks weren't report more vociferously and comprehensively. >> honestly when i looked at the attacks i thought they were adequately covered.
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what wasn't covered is issues of radical islam. not a tally of the number of arrests and attacks that happen. so we have cultural add in this country. something happens and people forget it the next day. country not given overview so people can see the scale of if. focus on the polls extremist opinion around the world we're against. some citing groups as those discuss radical islam as islam phone. there is a real fear about this. i just got back from the middle east. the muslims i spoke with were using terms like radical islam. backed in the united states if we say that we're called a bigot and they couldn't understand. they said why? that makes no sense. brian: that makes them look good because they are not radical. they want dissemination. barack obama a different feeling. not only dose donald trump believe that he put it in his inaugural address. ryan, thank you so much. >> thank you. breen breen meanwhile straight ahead, senator elizabeth warren shut down on the senate floor.
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>> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. >> but that's not stopping democrats from their marathon protest of president trump's cabinet. next one senator sessions. then she is 63 and still sunny. christie brinkley shocking the world with her new photo shoot with her daughters. now everyone is asking what's her secret? if you promise to keep her secret, we will tell it to you next. ♪ dirty little secret ♪ just another regret ♪ hope that you can keep it ♪ my dirty little secret pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even better coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. that's blanca. yup, pepe and blanca got together. things happen. all this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee.
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♪ ainsley: everyone is going nuts over this picture of christie brinkley and her
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daughters alexa ray joel and saylor brinkley cook. the 63-year-old supermodel is in next month's issue of "sports illustrated." steve: so what's christie's secret and how can the person look that great? good morning. >> good morning. steve: christie brinkley obviously has great genes she also admitted she has used botox in the neck. fillers, ladiesers, and hair extensions. let's start with botox in the neck. what does that do no. >> botox in the neck is actually a great treatment. beautiful -- when injected in the chords of the neck muscle and the jaw line it tightens. kind of gives you like a little. brian: temporary or permanent? is this you got to keep doing it every six months. >> every four to six. the beauty of doing something temporary. with age we change. so we can change.
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ainsley: what is your advice to the women watching. you need surgery. of course you are because it's going to put money in pocket. when should have you surgery or in this day and age do you need surgery? >> i think it's such an excellent question. what we normally recommend start early because the prevention is the key. ainsley: start early with surgery? >> with nonsurgical. start with fillers or botox good skin care. i think we can delay steve. brian: you say little things like sun block. ainsley: not smoking. brian: retinal. big into retinal he. >> preengetion is the key. products with vitamin a that will stimulate collagen production. some of the new products we offer. ainsley: tell us what they are because i'm writing these down. vitamin a. >> this product is actually brand new product by skin better. and i love combination products. they are retinal. lactic acid and vitamin a. steve: other stuff down here. >> sun block.
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acne prone skin. brian: best sun block stay indoors. >> this is actually one of the better sun blocks. protection against ultraviolet a, b, freezing rain red heat tinted. ainsley: citizen he. >> last but not least eals elasn snap the skins back. brian: goes in like a liquid. >> it's more like a very clear gel like. it's very smooth. and you can use it as moisturizer. ainsley: this product has the retinal in it. >> retinal is over the counter. the bruit of this counter. normally it can make you feel irritated. the lactic acid balances that. >> steve: men will never look like christie brinkley we are closer to dougly brinkley.
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what can guys do to look younger. >> we don't discriminate against guys. actually. we like to treat men. we think man is new to aesthetics, our new frontier. so many nonsurgical options. >> you are looking at my neck. >> i would love to help your neck. steve: what's the matter with my neck? i have that turkey neck going on. >> a little bit. i am 35 years old just kidding. >> bellla. any inject tillable product. steve: i'm not shooting anything in my neck. i'm just saying. >> i will shoot it in your neck. steve: i want something to rub on and some of these things. >> assume of this will help but the beauty of the injectable products is nonsurgical and it's permanent. steve: i love the idea. brian: steve satisfy your deductible and see what we can do to get you an appointment. ainsley: thank you so much. i will come see you this week.
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brian: beauty behind christy's beauty rerevealed it. steve: phone is full of illegal immigrants and is he proud of it? >> i can tell you half of my family would he eligible for deportation. steve: that's the senate leader in california. we're good. his name is randy. that's like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? that's me! awesome! surprising. what's not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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♪ >> the ninth circuit of appeals deciding any minute now merely on whether or not the president's travel ban should remain in effected. >> i actually cannot believe we are having to fight to protect the security of our nation. i can't even believe it. >> betsy devos has just been sworn in as the new education secretary. >> but it took a never before tie breaking vote. >> the vice president votes in the affirmative and the nomination is confirmed. >> extreme weather alert. tornadoes slamming southern louisiana today ripping houses from their foundations. [scree [scream] >> next thing i know anytime bathtub. >> firestorm with a blistering
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attack on jeff sessions. >> is he a disgrace. >> senator is reminded it is a violation of rule 19. >> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. >> there is a new sheriff in town. >> we're all excited because we are seeing something now we haven't seen in a long time. support. we need that. >> i wonder what president obama has been up to since leaving office? apparently hanging out with richard branson. is he also learning how to kite surf. he did it for two days and made it more than 300 feet before as you can see there, wiping out. ♪ ♪ steve: wipe out. brian: that's what happened whether you have a very stressful job. a lot of powerful people. go to their islands once you get done with the job. steve: look at that smile. that is a man who the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders and is he on some guy's private island. ainsley: i'm not going to work and do speeches. i'm going to take a little time to myself.
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brian: i know geraldo has an island e. steve: geraldo has an island that has no plumbing. brian: do you think he has plumbing? ainsley: where is richard branson's island. >> steve: british virgin islands. ainsley: geraldo's is in puerto rico. brian: go to the right. i felt like it was 1972 again and listen to the watergate proceedings because we just kept dipping in and out of a phone conversation regarding three judges. and two separate opinions. one from the justice department. one from the washington state attorney general's office. solicitor general as they battled out to see if that man's executive order would be. ainsley: reinstated. steve: right. griff jenkins was listening in on the phone call and he joins us live from d.c. with what is next. griff? >> good morning, guys. a decision at any moment now the ninth circuit of appeals deciding specifically on whether or not the president's
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travel ban can be reinstated. not on a larger issue of the constitutionality of executive order. the hearing conducted over the phone and live streamed around the world got heated as a three judge panel hammered away at the administration for their motivation on the ban. >> has the government pointed to any evidence connecting these countries with terrorism? >> in 2015, and 2016, both congress and the administration made determinations that these seven countries posed the greatest risk of terrorism. and in doing so, restricted visa waivers to people who had even traveled to those countries over the last five or six years. the executive order relies on that determination. >> the judges also pressed the attorneys from washington state and minnesota to explain why this is being called a muslim ban.
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>> do you have any information as to what percentage or what proportion of the adherence to islam worldwide are citizens or residents of those countries? my quick penciling suggest it's something less than 15%. >> i have not done thatmate, your honor. >> now, we wait for a decision, which could go any number of ways and interestingly one thing has been decided already. it was the largest audience to ever tune in to oral arguments in a federal court. more than a million people listening in. steve: that's right. griff, thank you very much. brian: we were dipping in and out of it. bush carter judge. bush 43 and barack obama judge. they all had totally different points of view you could tell by their questions. steve: one of the sound bites that griff just played was clift ton appointed by george w. bush. he actually suggested that the travel ban was justified given the fact that previous federal
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designations had previously traveled. judge on the left skeptical discriminated against people of muslim belief. he said i have trouble with why we are supposed to refer religious animus when the vast majority of muslims would not be affected. ainsley: no matter what the courts decide, either side can ask the supreme court to intervene in this and a ruling will come as soon as possible they are saying. president trump is saying you know what? this is being held up in court. let the courts decide. he is saying what about homeland security? what about these generals that i have appointed to my cabinet telling me this is a good thing to help protect my country? brian: what i was astounded by during the campaign he kept mention egg there would be a muslim ban. rudy giuliani said wait a second what does that have to do with anything. they are all of a sudden getting into politics should be looking at the merits of the case. steve: sure, as people look in at donald trump from all across the country and around the world they see donald trump. he has got the democrats who are trying to stop him at every corner. he has problems in congress. he has got problems with the mainstream media.
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ainsley: that's what's frustrating to his voters. steve: also looking to many voters and many other people who want to give him a chance. it looks like now the justice system, the courts are standing in his way. and he, in fact yesterday when he was with some assembled sheriffs there in the white house said i can't believe they hauled me in to court over trying to protect the country. listen. >> i actually can't believe that we're having to fight to protect the security in a court system to protect the security of our nation. i can't even believe it. and a lot of people agree with us. believe me. there is a group of people out there and i mean much more than half of our country. much, much more. you're not allowed to use the term silent majority anymore, you know. you are not auto loued. they make that in to a whole big deal. there is a group of people out there. massive, massive numbers. far bigger than what you see protesting. and if those people ever protested, you would see a real protested. they want to see our borders secure and our countries secure. and they want to see people
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that could love our country come in. not people that are looking to destroy our country. >> look what the fbi director said e investigations in all 50 states. the break-up of the caliphate is going to put these people flooding our direction. just like they are europe. so that's the sound bite that barack obama said i had to go doing doo something about that. donald trump said during his campaign, i watched that i'm going to do something about that. ainsley: look what he said this morning. he just tweeted this out. if the u.s. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. politics. he is saying basically the democrats are using the court system. they are using the government. they are using the swamp to get what they want. because they lost the election and their hands are tied in congress. steve: in fact, politics is what has been going on in the u.s. senate. i believe they are still in session as they pulled an all nighter to oppose donald trump's nominees -- yep e there they are live in the room with the fancy blue carpet. brian: nobody there. steve: well, somebody has got to be.
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ainsley: they confirmed betsy ross yesterday. now they are working on jeff sessions. ainsley: the other betsy. [laughter] steve: i think the democrats could have problem with that they had all nighter for democrats to stand in opposition to awful his nominees. elizabeth warren got up at one point and she was quoting coretta scott king, martin luther king's widow. and also referred to jeff sessions as a disgrace to the department of justice. well, here's the thing. in the u.s. senate they have actually got this thing called rule 19 where you cannot say anything bad about another senator. even when you're quoting. she knows the rules. and she got in trouble with mitch. >> mr. president. >> majority leader. >> senators impugn the motives and conduct of our colleague from alabama as warned by the chair. senator warren, quote: said
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senator sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens. i call the senator to order under the provisions of rule 19. >> mr. president i am surprised that the words of coretta scott king are not suitable for debated in the united states senate. i ask leave of the senate to continue my remarks. >> is there objection? >> object. >> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. brian: there it is. ainsley: made her sit down. brian: woman has 44% approval rating in her state and definitely with the right opponent she could be in trouble to win another six years. she is desperate to be noticed. ainsley: instead of talking badly and saying her opinion about jeff sessions she is using coretta scott king's words. steve: you can't even quote somebody. ainsley: if you don't agree with someone's appointment.
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if other way you are not allowed to say why you don't like appointee? steve: they have rules. you can't bad mouth another senator and jeff sessions is still a sitting senator. she knows the rules. to brian's point she is trying to prevent herself as crusader. ainsley: seems like a lovely rule have you to support your friends or 9/11 your family. steve: rule 19 is seldom enforced. refreshing now that the republicans are running the senate he. ainsley: mitch mcconnell knows the rules he stood up and said that's not allowed. steve: left is up in arms because evil republicans made a woman shut up. brian: rahm emanuel yesterday had a message to democrats. if you want to start mattering, start winning elections. he didn't win elections now all you are doing is trying to fight every step of the way. he is going to get his cabinet in place. you can stay up two or three nights in a row. jeff sessions is going to get confirmed today. all goes back to harry reid. they might really have a shot at really tripping up donald
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trump and it would be definitely detrimental to america if they didn't get rid of the 60 vote rule. ainsley: opposing senators used to be deferential. now things changed. president obama tried to get several of his cabinet members appointed and there were so many nos. 400 nos. i feel like and i have heard other commentators say this that these are the democrats getting back at the republicans. steve: absolutely. i think it started even earlier than that. ainsley: 40 years ago they said. steve: not since george washington was in washington, d.c. has the top guy had so few been approved at this point regarding the cabinet. meanwhile it's 7:11 here in new york city. abby is open with the news. but she actually starts with the weather. abby: we do. crazy on capitol hill yesterday but also a crazy day of weather. that's where we begin this morning with extreme weather and a state of emergency is now in place in louisiana after at least seven tornadoes carve a path of destruction through that state. sparks flying from power lines. the massive twister tears through new orleans.
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and only splintered wood is left where these houses used to stand. president trump tweeting to storm victims saying our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in southeastern louisiana affected by today's severe tornadoes. also new overnight, yemen defying the united states' evident in the fight against terror. the "new york times" reporting that the terrorist top ed is no longer giving permission to conduct anti-ground missions. navy seal chief petty office owens was killed. meanwhile we have just learned that cia director mike pompeo will today turkey tomorrow. first overseas trip since taking over that post. and the desperate manhunt for quawld quadruple murder suspects ending overnight. billy boyette sending standoff at hotel. his accomplice mary rice surrendering. killing four women in florida and alabama.
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a mother died after being shot inside of her home. her baby was just steps away when that happened. a live report from georgia is coming up in 30 minutes. and there is a new sheriff in town. president trump meeting with sheriffs across the country to restore law and order. >> when you say there is a new sheriff in town, we relate to that you are about the rule of law. we haven't seen that in many years. >> but we now have the opportunity to engage the president and again, like i say, we're all excited because we are seeing something now we haven't seen in a long time support. and we need that. ainsley: those sheriffs thanking president trump for executive order to temporarily halt immigration from seven middle east countries. those are your headlines. steve: a lot going on. able buy, thank you. abby: a lot going on. brian: shocking admission from democratic lawmaker his family is full of illegal immigrants and he is proud. >> i can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under the executive order.
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brian: that's the senate leader in california, republican senator from that state joins us next to find out why he was speaking out. ♪ nowhere to run, baby ♪ nowhere to hide ♪ feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. because safety is never being satisfied. we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees
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>> i can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under the executive order. anyone who has family members, you know who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. steve: he is talking about drivers licenses and social security numbers and also green cards. and he is actually the state senate leader in california. he is a democrat. in a stunning admission that half of his family living in this country is here illegally. state senator kevin deleon made the argument to make his city a sanctuary state. joining us from across the aisle senator joel anderson. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: well, i get he was trying to make an argument we should have a sanctuary state because half of my family is in the country illegally. still, he just outed his whole family.
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>> well, he wouldn't be the first state senator to embellish the truth to push a bill. and his bill is sb 54 which turns us into a sanctuary state. and one of the biggest problems with his bill is it shields felons that are serving time in our prisons. so if you are a child molester, a rapist, or a murderer we are going to shield you from deportation so you can be returned to our communities and that's just wrong. >> what is also wrong, it's identity theft, and he suggested that it's okay because a lot of these people in the country illegally do whatever it takes to survive and you have got to survive in this country have you got to have a social security number or a drivers license or a green card. which they get illegally. how big a problem is that? >> well, we don't -- we don't know. we estimate that there are 2 million people undocumented here in california alone. but the big question is did they vote with those documents because if they did, that's
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the voter fraud that president trump is talking about. and i think that that's a serious issue and should be investigated. steve: what's been the blow back after he made these comments? although out in california i would imagine not so much. >> you are correct. i serve in the super minority. the tail doesn't wag the dog. even when we brought up important points about his bill, he refused to accept any idea of amendment. so he is laser focused on shielding felons. and i think that that's wrong and i think most californians agree. because those felons prey on everyone. they don't make a distinction whether you are here legally or illegally. >> steve: real good exit questions what are the odds of california becoming a sanctuary state? >> well, with the super majority in one party's hands and all five constitutional offices, of course we will. but i don't know if that's going to hold up against federal law. steve: that's such a good pointed. state senator joel anderson, a republican from california, thanks for joining us from sacramento.
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>> thank you. steve: you bet. what do you think about that? email us. meanwhile learned the challenges of caring for a wounded warrior. that wife brought those concerns directly to the oval office to president trump and she joins us live next. [ thompson ] imagine what you wear every day
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ainsley: the wife of one of our nation's wounded warriors getting an invite into the oval office for a meeting with president trump. the focus? how to fix the v.a. her name is tiffany smiley. her army husband scotty smiley was left blind after a suicide bombing in iraq in 2005. during his recovery, the couple experienced firsthand the red tape of getting care through the v.a. so, how did yesterday's meeting go with the president? tiffany smiley joins us now with more on this story. hey, tiffany, good to see you again.
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>> hey, ainsley, good to be here. ainsley: how did you get the invitation to go to the white house. >> i have been talk with ike who is an amazing advocate in the healthcare field in the civilian healthcare field. is he ready to help president trump bring quality access to care toll our veterans. and he -- mr. pulmentor was able to pull together some of the top doctors and administrators around our country to come together and discuss how we can provide access of care and quality care to all of our veterans. ainsley: so tell us what happened to your husband in 2ebg 5. yeah. so in 2005, scotty was blinded by suicide car bomb. he woke up in walter reed unible to seat rest of his life. he has never seen his children. our family has carried that sacrifice. we have had long, hard days. days where the system that was supposed to be there to care for us was making our life harder.
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and making our sacrifice feel that much greater. and i am here in washington this week to bring awareness to our veterans' issues. trump campaigned on this. on bringing reform to the v.a. and he also said that the man will not -- will no longer be forgotten. as i stood in the oval office, i felt like veterans will no longer be forgotten. it is time to bring real change. that veterans have access to care, quality care. i have a vision of veterans being provided with opportunity and purpose. it's sort of like the saying of, you know, you put your own oxygen mask on first and then you assist others. so our country, we're so -- we seem to be so divided and everyone is talking about refugees right now. what if we put our own oxygen masks on first and took care of our veterans. what if our country could unite bipartisan issue, dealing with veterans and
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bring real change. i think we would see a revival in our country. ainsley: take us through the oval office. what happened? when you met him, what your conversation was like. what y'all talked about. >> president trump was very gracious and very kind and caring. he -- i had the opportunity to share our story with him. and he, you know, he said i will bring -- i will not forget about the veterans. we are going to make healthcare accessible for them and i will do whatever it takes. ainsley: when your husband came back from iraq we saw your husband getting his purple heart. >> yes. ainsley: how did the treat you and what changes did you tell president trump we need? >> yeah. it was a system that wasn't set up to provide us opportunity. we had to go out and find that ourselves amongst this situation that we found ourselves in. we were greeted with cassette tapes. we were greeted instead of
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computer training belt braiding. instead of retiring grant spending months filling out obnoxious paperwork to get our grants and benefits, they were denied the first time. and the advice was given to us to go hire a lawyer to navigate the v.a. benefit system. so i advised having a simple system. ainsley: you think things will get better. >> i think they will, yes. e. ainsley: real quickly. what was it like to be standing with the president of the united states in the oval office. >> it was incredible experience like i said. i felt lining veterans, i stood there on behalf of so many million veterans and their caregivers. ainsley: right behind ronald reagan's desk. >> behind ronald reagan's desk. it was surreal. and it was a moment of feeling that our sacrifice for everyone who served this country is worth it. ainsley: that's great. thank you so much, tiffany. >> thank you. ainsley: we wish you and your husband all the best. >> thank you. ainsley: he is best buddies
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with former barack obama. he is telling rahm emanuel to take a committee pill. one ceo breaking from the pack saying real access. top trending headlines of the morning. come on, in carlie ♪ hold on tight to your dream ♪ when you see a ship go sailing ♪ when you see that your heart is breaking ♪ hold on tight i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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♪ vacation have to get away ♪ vacation steve: happy. brian: mosquito island a place we can't go to but president obama can. he kite surfs down in the virgin islands and social media going crazy to see our president who is not actually actually being -- >> here to break it down is carlie shimkus 24/7 headlines. >> the president, the obamas vacationed in the virgin islands with billionaire richard branson i'm sure they were roughing it branson posted all those great pictures on his blog. social media loving them. obama just picked on great petty post after a breakup. and then we have another tweet coming in from dillon joe biden is looking at these
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picks like -- longingly he is keeping busy too. i have tried kite surfing before it's difficult balance and you were body strength. steve: growing up in hawaii he was a surfer. so you would think you would put two and two together. whether you have a kite dragging you across the ocean it is harder. ainsley: does he have good form there? steve: yeah. is he upright until there. ainsley: i want to know the origin of kite surfing. brian: let's talk about under armor. kevin pike this guy who invented clothing line. broke in with the big guys. big success story. now getting blow back, why? >> some businesses are shying away from supporting the president because they are afraid of consumer backlash. the ce oh of underarmor kevin plank is singing the president's praises. take a listen. >> he is passionate. definitely to have such a pro-business president is
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something that's a real asset for this country. i think people should really grab that opportunity. he loves to build. i don't think there is any surprises here. you know, when you look at the president. so he wants to build things and make bold decisions and be decisive. >> there you go. so you know we will see what social media has to say. so far i read some tweets this morning it's down the middle. one of them. steve: sure. >> envy dear at underarmor you just lost another customer. ride at dawn tweeted i bought my last underarmor underpants. sad they were good quality. grab your wallet. steve: nordstroms came out and said we are only dropping ivanka line because of poor sales. >> right. steve: the president of that company had said some caustic things about the immigration ban two days early. i had a friend that called me last night said she had cancelled a big order for nordstroms and called them up and said by the way i'm canceling my credit card with nordstrom and this is why.
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>> you are absolutely right. did i see some under armor tweets that were very pleased to see what the ceo had to say. ainsley: how about the brits? the parade last night in boston. >> tight end for the patriots. steve: is he a mountain of a man. >> he ripped his shirt off. >> he was out for most of the season. he was really the star of the show at this parade. take a listen to a portion of his day. >> what's up, boston. steve: is he happy. >> i don't think there was a beer in boston that he saw that he didn't consume. brian: you just saw basically sometimes they are concerned about image and don't want to be seen with a beer. they were drinking a bottle of vodka right on the duck boot. steve: two fister right there. ainsley: isn't that what they do in boston they are proud of it. brian: in the bar not usually in the street. ainsley: it should be noted it
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was like 30 degrees yesterday and he had no shirt on. steve: winning the super bowl really warms you up. ainsley: so does alcohol. steve: some antifreeze. is he a party guy. again they have a reason to party. steve: carlie, thank you very much. you are going to go do the radio now. we'll be listening. we are about to do the news and abby huntsman has that right now. abby: we do have other headlines this morning starting with this one. a deadly campus mystery unfolding at kent state university. police trying to figure out why it i -- penn state university. took 1 hours to figure out why he was 12 hours. he fell down the stairs at the party. the coroner ruling his death as accidental. police are hoping surveillance video from inside the house will help shed light on exactly what happened at the fraternity. it is now suspended. they say he had every hope of beating cancer. now a california man is dead and doctors are blaming a marijuana prescribed to treat him. the patient contracting a
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rare, yet lethal fun gallon affection. after taking a closer look at the drugs weighing smoking. the doctors found something horrifying. 95% of the pot samples gathered from across the state were contaminated with deadly bacteria and fungus. and chicago mayor rahm emanuel has a surprising message for his fellow democrats. lower your expectations. emanuel says if dems think they are going to win back congress in two years, think again it? >> took us a long time to get this low. it ain't going to happen in 2018. take a chill pill, manual. you have got to be in this for the long haul. if you think it's going to be a quick turn around like that, it's not. abby: emanuel says too many democrats care more about being right than winning elections. he urged the party to unite and create a farm team of candidates. also in this morning. it's time to brush up on your vocabulary. the meriam dictionary just
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added 1,000 words to the new list. >> what's happening? >> man, you are throwing shade and you are surprisingly good at it. abby: throwing shade is now officially in the dictionary it means to hurl insults at someone. some other pop culture words include bing watch. microayetion, wowza and first world problem. when it comes to politicians you will see truther, floater and scotus in the dictionary. what do you think of yowza? >> sounds like a word from the gatsby days. abby: i like it. ainsley: didn't someone say that as a cartoon growing up? steve: richie cunningham. brian: gorilla? steve: meanwhile yowza there is a big storm coming and we have dispatched yanice dean. >> it's going to reach 60 degrees here. steve: yowza. >> yowza is right.
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this time tomorrow will be a blizzard and i will have hat on and hopefully doing snow angels. ahead of the cold front and big storm system it's going to feel like spring it's going to be bizarreo because in the next 24 hours things are going to change drastically. storm system across the ohio valley. go out into the atlantic where it is going to strengthen into a coastal storm. the worst of the weather is going to begin overnight tonight with the snow and the wind and heavy snow at times. i mean, we could be dealing with 1 to 2 inches an hour. and has been even thunder snow across the i-95 corridor. a very dynamic system. and it's going to bring snow during the worst time of the morning. 5:00 a.m. rush hour on wards until 4:00 p.m. if you live anywhere from philadelphia up towards new york and boston, we have winter storm warnings in effected where we could receive upwards of 6 to 10 inches of snow. some the new forecast models showing over a foot, perhaps, in new york city. we need to watch this very carefully.s we
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haven't seen winter storm warnings in these areas for at least a year in some of these big cities. millions of people are going to be affected. there are going to be delays. there are going to be cancellations and school closures. if i could i want to give some love to the west coast because they are also dealing with a big storm system that's going to bring inches of rain and feet of snow along the coast. so,i know we're talking about the northeast a lot but the west coast is going to be pummeled with another storm system from the pacific. brian: look, it will be a little bit challenging but they have this thing called drought, slowly but surely it's wiping away the drought. good news. thank you earth and clouds. janice: thank you, brian for recognizing the earth and clouds. steve: janice has anybody called what's going to happen in new york city snow megeddon yet? an. janice: not yet. i know judge napolitano was asking for a personalized forecast i gave it to him because he might have to bail me out of jail sometime. ainsley: hearing in my ear
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inspector gadget used to say wowzers. steve: do you remember that inspector gadget? brian: i was always studying trying to make people's lives better. ainsley: no. you were just older than me. ainsley: come up. mitt romney getting back into politics. ask his niece the new rnc chairperson reason that romney mcdaniel. and she is going to join us live next to see if this is true. brian: running for the senate. steve: dakota pipeline to save the earth. look what they left behind. mountains of trash. who is cleaning that up? not inspector gadget. brian: trivia question of the day. lo the way this goes. i ask a question and you answer it. on this date in 1974, the voice of chris griffin in fox's animated series family guy? be the first and get something that we are sick of. ♪ come on, baby
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on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. withevery late night...g... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security and your medicare.
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you made a deal a long time ago." now, it's congress' turn. tell them to protect medicare. steve: got quick headlines so-called environmentalists leaving behind heaps of trash after protesting pipeline at standing rock in northern plains. a massive cleanup evident now underway so the trash doesn't pollute the same river that the protesters say they were trying to save from the pipeline. uh-oh. meanwhile stirred up controversy. starbucks now offering free legal advice to illegal employees or rather immigrant employees over president trump's immigration order. this comes days after the company announced they would hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years. free in-house legal advice. and that's some of the news. ainsley: let's go to a fox
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news alert now. manhunt for quadruple suspects ending over night. billy boyette after accomplice surrenders in georgia. brian: caitlin pratt is live with the latest on their long state capture. hey, caitlin. >> good morning to you, both. we had so many people on edge about this couple was seemingly random nature of their alleged killings. in fact, law enforcement officials calling them, quote, a running nightmare. they have been on the run for more than a week now. but that ended all last night in west georgia. near the alabama border. let's take a look at who we are talking about here. police have been in hot pursuit. fugitive william billy boyette, his alleged accomplice mary rice, police believe a willing participant in all of this violence. they were hold up inside a small hotel room in a little town called west point. troop county.
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a tipster leading u.s. marshalls and deputies to surround the place. this is about mid afternoon. by the time the sun went down, one of the suspects rice came outside, surrendered and as deputies were about to make their way in to that small motel room, that's when they heard a single gunshot and it appears that the man they have been looking for for so long had killed himself. now, let's talk about the tip that led u.s. marshals to this remote area. a white chevy was backed up in front of the motel room where they were staying. it was a stolen vehicle from the duo's last alleged victim. you may remember a mom near pensacola killed with her 2-year-old inside. and before that, three other victims. so now the search is on for answers. florida authorities are going to be coming here to georgia to talk with this surviving suspect about a motive and what led them here to georgia. that's the latest here in atlanta.
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i'm kaitlyn pratt now back to you. steve: search is on for motive. brian: from brutal murder let's go back to politics. next on our rundown mitt row roming getting back in maybe to the u.s. senate? we'll ask his niece the new rnc chair woman rhona romney mcdaniels. she is getting so close to the studio. ainsley: first on this day in 1987 bon jovi was crushing the charts with living on a prayer ♪ living on a prayer ♪ take my hand ♪ and we'll make it i swear ♪ oh, living on a prayer ♪
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steve: all right, he is the voice of chris griffin in fox
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family guy the answer that man seth green is 43 today. the winner is jeffrey fafh is he going to be getting a copy of. happy birth i do seth green. brian: okay. let me just move ahead now. you are watching he mitt romney he ran for president. looks like he might be making a political come back. might be in the works now. the 2012 follow knee will now possibly go for the u.s. senate in utah, perhaps? 2018? romney said, quote: i don't have any predictions on what i might do. i'm not going to open up a door and i'm not going to close a door. all doors are wide open. joining us right now is the new chair woman of the republican national committee rhona romney mcdaniel happens to be mitt romney's niece. congratulations on the job. >> thank you. it was my first interview since being elected. brian: thank you. we're honored to do that what's your biggest challenge replacing reince priebus by all accounts extraordinarily successful. >> did he a fantastic job with
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the rnc. building up the ground game. mechanics of the election. we have got to keep that momentum going. continue to build in states like michigan and wisconsin and keep voters engaged. brian: if senator orrin hatch decides i have had enough, would you encourage your uncle mitt romney to jump in and do you have a sense of what he wants to do? >> i don't. i haven't talked to my uncle mitt about it i think he would be great in any role. i love orrin hatch. it's up to him to decide. my husband's first job was with orrin hatch out of college. i met my husband in d.c. when he was working for orrin hatch. he has been a great senator for utah. we will see what he decides. brian: one the challenges would to be expand if you are a republican your four senate lead in 2018. how much is that your focus? >> yeah. we have a great opportunity for the senate. and we are seeing what's happening in washington right now with democrats obstructing every possible thing the president puts forward. they are keeping him from putting candidate members in place.
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now they are threatening to filibuster the supreme court. so now we're going to go to the senate map in 2018 and say guess what? we need to get the 60 seats so we don't have to deal with this anymore and government can function. brian: in a way if you are reince priebus and you are buried in debt and no power in the white house, start from ground zero. now have you to maintain it and that's going to be key. now hillary clinton says she has an idea. she thinks that she and let's listen to her. she says the future is with women. watch. >> despite all the challenges we face, i remain convinced that, yes, the future is female. just look at the amazing energy we saw last month as women organized a march that galvanized millions of people all over our country and across the world. brian: you worried? >> no. because the future is female right now in the republican party. kellyanne conway just ran the first successful presidential race in history as a woman.
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i am the second woman ever to lead the republican national committee. i'm glad hillary clinton is taking notice. we want more women engaged. we are going to reach out to them. in the end you want the best candidate to lead and donald trump is always looking for the best qualified person. brian: well, ronna a lot of people confident. great communicator and you say the key is communicating what the administration is accomplishing and making schuyler you maintain that ronna romney mcdaniel thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. brian: in your uncle calls you let us know if is he going to run or not. >> i will. brian: coming up straight ahead, president trump's immigration order in legal limbo after last night's showdown in courts. where do we stand now? we are live in washington with the latest. and he took on nancy pelosi and he is not done bucking the system yet congressman tim ryan a democrat joins us with a serious warning for his own party ♪ i'm just saying it's fine by me ♪ if you never leave
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dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something...
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set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ >> the ninth circuit court of appeals deciding any minute now whether president trump's travel ban should remain in effect. >> i actually can't believe we're fighting to protect the security of our nation. i can't believe it. >> it's amazing that progressives haven't celebrated parts of the executive order that said we're going to oppress gays. >> tornado slamming southern louisiana today ripping houses from their foundations. >> next thing you know i'm in a bathtub and the roof and the house collapsed. >> alyssa in a firestorm after a attack on jeff sessions. >> reminded of rule 19. objection is heard.
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the senator will take her seat. >> he will be addressed from sheriffs across the country today. and, again, it's such a great honor something we haven't seen in a long time. support. and we need that. >> there's a new sheriff in town. ♪ ♪ >> you're looking at the white house where the sun is up. and we're learning things about donald trump as he lives there at the white house. he sleeps four or five hours. ainsley: wakes up at 5:00 a.m. brian: goes to bed at 1:00. he reads the papers and watches the television. one day mike flynn was at his house and ring, ring, it's the president. he also doesn't have a robe, according to sean spicer.
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brian: the big story about no robe. he does not own a rob. probably doesn't have a robe. steve: unfortunately, a whole lot of pictures of him wearing a robe have surfaced on the internet. it looks like it was in the '80s. ainsley: we know somebody who does wear a robe. janice. steve: wearing a robe last week. ainsley: fox news alert, legal battle in president trump's immigration order could down any moment. steve: that's right. the showdown between the white house and the courts now in the hands of three federal appellate judges. live in dc. griff, is this true? any of this? >> that's right. and we're also learning, by the way, that the president wakes up and tweets with the ninth circuit court of appeals set to decide any moment whether the travel ban can be reinstated. the president exceeded this minutes ago. quote if the u.s. does not win
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this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. politics. the hearing conducted over the phone and live streamed around the world got very heated last night as a three-judge panel questioned the administration over their motivation for the ban. >> has the government pointed to any evidence connecting these countries with terrorism? >> in 2015 and 2016 both congress and the administration made determinations that these seven countries posed the greatest risk of terrorism. and in doing so, restricted visa waiver to people who would even travel to those countries over the last five or six years. the executive order relies on that determination. >> and the judges also pressed the attorneys from washington state to minnesota to explain why this is being called a muslim ban.
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>> do you have any information as to what percentage or what proportion the adherence to islam are citizens of countries? and my quick penciling suggestions it's something less than 15%. >> i have not done that math, your honor. >> now we wait for that ruling, and it has any number of outcomes, which it may ultimately end up before the supreme court. steve: thank you very much, griff. a record number of people listened in on the phone call. and if you did listen in, you know the judges -- at least two of the three sounded really skeptical of the government's argument. so look for this to actually fail at that level, in which case it could as quickly as this week wind up in the hand of at least one justice on the supreme court. brian: yeah, and they say all the myriad of lawsuits are coming from different states. it doesn't matter. john roberts is going to look
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at these. so it goes to the supreme court at 4-4. ainsley: could we see a ruling if it does go to the supreme court? that would be months from now. steve: no, it could be fast tracked and wind up in the hands of justice kennedy because in charge of that particular jurisdiction. he could decide on his own or he could say you know what? i would like to get everybody in on this. keep in mind the u.s. ideological break down at the supreme court is about 4-4, which is tied, which would mean the ban would be lifted. ainsley: well, president trump is not happy about this. he's saying really? the courts are deciding how security is going to be handled for the united states of america? not the generals? not the people in my cabinet? not s&p listen to what he's saying. >> i actually can't believe that we're having to protect our security in a court system, to protect the security of our nation. i can't believe it. there's a group of people and i mean much more than half of
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our country, much, much more. you're not allowed to use the term silent majority anymore, you know. you're not allowed because they make that into a whole big deal. but there's a group of people out there. massive, massive numbers. far bigger than what you see protesting. and if those people ever protested, you would see a real protest. but they want to see our borders secure and our country secure. and they would to see people who love our country come in, not people who are looking to destroy our country. steve: meanwhile the president has been tweeting this morning, if the u.s. doesn't win this case, as it should, we should never have the security we are entitled. politics. and speaking of politics, i was listening to sean hannity's radio show, and he was talking about how he got his hands on a document in florida and essentially what it said is at every corner -- any time this administration does anything, sue them. take them to court left and right.
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laura ingram says get used to it. that's what we're going to see from here out. >> this is what we have to expect. i told a top member of the administration a couple of weeks after the election. looked him right in the eye, and i said i hope you understand every day this is going to be a war. this is going to be a war to delegitimatize your government. it's going to be a war to get you off track. get you on the defensive. get you to say stuff out of anger and then say aha, see? i told you so. get you to be tied up in knots in the legal system so that you can't see straight. the democrats are going to play the same smash mouth politics that they believe they were embarrassed by over the last year and a half by trump. brian: and, by the way, on this executive order according to this poll, 55% of the american people are for trump's executive order when it comes to immigration. the one that's actually being debated right now. and in terms of reaching out, donald trump has not shut the door yet.
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tomorrow he's going to reach out to so-called moderate democrats, and i think one more. john tester. he's going to invite them to the white house. he knows they're going to be key, especially when it comes to supreme court justice. steve: because they're in red states. brian: right and they have shown this thing called reasonable. steve: what day was that? brian: joe mansion has been the same way. steve: sure but, you know, we saw with bill o'reilly last night donald trump said, look, i have a u.s. senator, a democrat tell me i love jeff sessions. jeff sessions is a great guy. are you going to vote for him? no, i can't do that. politics. ainsley: and he's not saying the name of that senator. steve: but i think he's that close to it. meanwhile speaking of senators, elizabeth warren yesterday part of the nonstop action in the senate to slow down the president's cabinet picks. she did something you're never supposed to do. rule 19 says you never bad mouth a fellow senator. ainsley: she did it in a
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roundabout way. she brought a letter to the senate floor written by scott king back in the '80s talk about jeff sessions, bad-mouthing jeff sessions. so she read a quote. you can't even do that. brian: not from the senate floor. you can do it in real life, though. ainsley: you can't bad mouth one of your fellow citizens. she tried to do it by reading this quote of someone else and watch what happened. >> mr. president. >> the majority leader. >> the conduct of our colleague from alabama is worn about the chair. senator warren said quote senator sessions has used the awesome power of his office the chill of free exercise of the vote by black citizens. i call the senator to order under provision of rule 19. >> mr. president, i am surprised that the words of coretta scott king are not suitable for debate in the united states senate.
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i ask leave of the senate to continue my remark. >> is there objections? >> i've got. >> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. brian: she did. she'll never be heard from again. ainsley: i doubt that. she's coming back with vengeance. steve: already talking on twitter. they can make me sit down but can't shut me up. technically in the senate, they can do both. brian: someone had a cold. i wonder if he's okay. ainsley: we always notice people in the background. whatever you do, don't bad mouth a senator in the senate. steve: she clearly did it to get attention, and she got it. ainsley: what was the timeline for jeff sessions? steve: they were just waiting for betsy devos yesterday. so it could be shortly. ainsley: i called betsy devos
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betsy ross. i was just throwing out her name back hour. so thank you for bringing that back up. brian: and she gets a lot of credit making the flag but it was easy. only 13 states. steve: there's only one abby huntsman, and she has the news. >> isn't it freezing in here? ainsley: we're just getting ready. >> just getting ready for this extreme weather. that's where we begin. state of louisiana under a state of emergency dispatching the national guard after seven tornadoes touchdown. nearly 130-mile per hour winds whipping across the new orleans parking lot. tossing a tractor-trailer like a toy. watch this. and security cameras catching another tornado ripping off a roof and tipping an 18-wheeler on its side. that is a hard thing to do. luckily no deaths have been reported. and in california, a massive mud slide splits a home apart.
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you've got to watch this. as you can see there, the home collapsing to the street outside san francisco after strong winds and rain torn through that area slamming through the walls and knocking the home off of its foundation. luckily the house was empty and no one got hurt. also new overnight, yemen defined united states' effort in the fight against terror. no longer giving u.s. permission to conduct antiterror ground missions. this comes after a controversial raid last month against al-qaeda militants in the country that killed navy seal chief petty officer william owens. and parents are outraged after their children are sent home with what they're calling antitrump propaganda. all 381,000 students given a letter from the ceo of chicago public schools slamming illinois governor and president trump of cheating
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students of funding. they know every day they cheat your children of their fair share. they can score political points with their supporters just like president trump. what's going on with schools these days? steve: that's wrong. that is nuts. all right. thank you. it's time for democrats to just chill out, according to the godfather rob emmanuel. >> it took us a long time to get this. it ain't going to happen in 2018. take a chill pill, man. you've got to be this in the long hall. steve: yeah, take a chill pill. democratic congressman tim agrees. he says something needs to change. is that a fair statement chill pill something gronk was on? what's president obama doing these days? we have his pictures that everybody is talking about. before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was energetic.
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and maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. not dandruff. batteries you can trust against the ear hair you can't. without them you're conducting business with an armpit on the side of your head. that's not just some battery. that's a duracell battery. that's a power you can trust. >> it took us a long time to get this low. it ain't going to happen in 2018. take a chill pill, man. you have to be this in the long hall. steve: that is former chief of staff for president obama, rob
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emmanuel. the mayor of chicago, illinois, admitting the democratic party has a whining problem. ♪ ♪ >> i have not called for the impeachment yet. we've seen nothing that we can work -- that i can work with president bush on. >> mean spirited and un-american. steve: that's all they've got is to complain; right? well, joining us right now from washington is ohio congressman. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: so, congressman, rob emmanuel says, look, stop with the whining, democrats. think more about winning. is he right? >> yeah. i think so. you know, i love rom and, yes, we need to focus on what the plan is. we need to defend our values, focus on what we need to focus on. obviously, president trump has done some things that we find repugnant. we think he has damaged our
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national security. we think he has made us less safe, and we're worried he's not talking about jobs like he said he was during the campaign. but we also need an aaffirmative message that says how we're going to rebuild the country, how we're going to put people back to work and drive up wages. steve: well, you know, congressman, it's tough for the president to talk about jobs when your party in the u.s. senate is standing so against every one of his nominees for cabinet. you know, never in history -- actually back to the george washington days is the last time so few members of cabinet have been confirmed thanks to your party. >> well, look, this is part of the process. i mean, you can't whine about that either. i mean, this is the process. the senate has its say. steve: yeah, but you know this is an extraordinary situation. >> i don't know. i watch mitch mcconnell say he was going to try to make obama one termer and fought at every single turn. brian: which is true. >> so, again, democrats are now vetting the most powerful positions in our country, and
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i think that's all together appropriate, and we saw history made. never before has a vice president have to come down to capitol hill to help confirm somebody for a cabinet position. so that shows that there are some people here that just aren't qualified for these positions and for democrats to raise the positions is appropriate. these are the highest jobs in the land. steve: they are indeed. let me ask you another question. is it going to be like this for the next two years, next four years? rob emmanuel says your party's not going to win in the midnight terms. >> well, i love him but no, he has crystal ball. there's a lot that can happen between now and then. and if he doesn't talk about jobs. he came to places like ohio and said he was going to reopen the steel mills and coal mines and put people back to work. he set a high standard so he's going to have a very difficult time convincing voters in the midterm to continue down that path. he has to get back on the message of talking about jobs. he's not doing the kinds of things he said he was going to
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do and people are starting to get a little bit impatient that he's firing off these tweets left and right and not focused on getting people back to work. steve: well, it's how he got elected on jobs. i'm sure he would like to get down to jobs as soon as he thank you for joining us today. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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brian: quick headlines now and let's talk about pulmonary. under armour ceo is under fire after endorsing president trump. met at the white house elasticity month. he praised him during an interview at cnbc. >> i think he's highly passionate. he's definitely -- to have such a pro business president is such a real asset for this country. brian: under armour does a lot for the military.
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now some say they will stop buying under armour products. really? and ivanka feeling more heat. neiman marcus and home shopping network will reportedly stop carrying ivanka's clothing and accessories. this follows a family boycott around trump family businesses. i believe they can work around that. ainsley. ainsley: wow. president trump blasting the media for underreporting terrorism. >> isis is on a campaign of genocide committing atrocities across the world. it has gotten to a point where it's not even being reported. and in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. they have their reasons, and you understand that. ainsley: the white house released a list of 78 attacks that it claims the press barrel covered. and in the media, flipping out defending their coverage.
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but anyone bother asking the victims of those attacks did they get the coverage they deserved? john price's son fought off a stabbing attack by a self-radicalized terrorist in california back in 2015. he joins me now with his reaction. good morning, john. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. tell me what happened to byron, your son back in 2015? >> well, on the campus of university of california we have a construction site there. byron was in charge. they were up early in the morning getting work done before the start of classes. they were wrapping up their job site, and they heard a commotion in a classroom next door. byron said he had to go in and help break up what he thought was a fight to help the professor. walked through the room or opened the door and as soon as he got in there, professor yelled at him run, run, run, and then a guy came around the
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door with a very long, like, ten inch hunting knife and just started slashing away. byron was able to get away from him and then he got stabbed, and then he managed to kick the guy in the head, disoriented him, and he ran away and then was ultimately killed by the campus police. ainsley: yeah, not before stabbing some lady that was just sitting on a park bench outside after stabbing your son. >> yeah. ainsley: the suspect. we show this picture. he was suspected of -- he was self radicalized. the fbi said that. the obama administration did not call it islamic terrorism at first. what was your reaction to that? >> well, as we talked about last year, you know, you have to call things what they are. you know, it is what it is. you can't have a guy dressed all in black with night goggles and all the other gear that he had in his backpack, a
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plan that was more than 20 points long, isis flag in his pocket. you can't pretend that it didn't happen. ainsley: so what's your reaction to the white house coming out with this list of the underreported stories? and one of those underreported stories is what happened to your son? >> right. i'm actually encouraged that they are taking this seriously. you know, and want to help protect the country. i want to make sure that we don't isolate one group of people or one religion or anything. but when things happen, we need to call them what they are and try to eliminate the possibility of those things happening again. ainsley: you can look at who covered that story. fox news did cover it. msnbc did not cover it. cnn did not cover it. some journalists are offended by the list that the president has released because they say that they did report all of these attacks or many of them. they're saying they extensively covered it.
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some of the lists from 9/11, san bernardino, they're saying, yes, we covered it a lot. what was your reaction? >> well, i'm sure lots of people covered things, and i'm a pretty plugged in guy, and i don't remember seeing 78 of them. the fact is my wife and i and friends, we were in munich in july when that whole thing went down. it was crazy to be involved in that. and i don't know how much that was covered in america. but that was a serious attack, and it happened in another country. but those kinds of things are happening here. one of the shackles we have with the uc merced incident is, you know, it's kind of overlooked because lots of people didn't die. well, the fact is lots of people didn't die because people stepped in and did something about it. everybody played their part and got a problem that could have been really bad and minimized it. it was still bad enough. the lady who was stabbed after
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byron took this guy down, i don't think she's still back to work yet. it's terrible what happened to her. and that's a serious thing. ainsley: yeah. thank you so much. i hope your son's doing well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: coming up senator warren shut down on the senate floor. >> is there objection? >> i've got. >> i appeal the ruling. >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. ainsley: so what do her colleagues think about her comments? we're going to ask senator jeff flake live. and we know that hillary clinton took time off to become one with nature. so what's president obama doing these days? we know he has picked up a new hobby and steve is hitting the streets to find out what you think about it. coming up next what makes thermacare different?
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>> so while all of this is going on in washington, this is what president obama has been up to. kite surfing with richard branson. and look at him. he's got not obamacare in the world. that is the smile of a man who had no idea he might be allowed back in the country.
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brian: that was good. hey, president obama enjoying a little piece of paradise in his post white house days. ainsley: president obama hitting the waves in the virgin islands as he tries his hand at kite surfing, like we saw. brian: so what's the reaction to president obama's new hobby? steve is hitting the streets because he can. steve: that's right. brian and ainsley. hi, excuse me, can i interrupt you? >> sorry. steve: okay. that's a no. this guy i know was here because he gave janice. your name is gregg; right? you haven't seen yet. >> no. steve: that is. what do you think of that? >> someone not in new york. steve: that is the former president of the united states barack obama, and he's learning how to kite surf. >> wonderful. steve: what do you think about this? it's what everybody is talking about online. >> maybe he'll be better than that than president.
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steve: aren't you just shocked. he looks very muscular. the guy's ripped. >> i guess. steve: okay. all right. have you ever tried kite surfing? >> no. steve: by the way, we should point out you're going to be here tomorrow during snow. >> yeah, excited. steve: go buy a shovel. you're going to need it. >> thanks. steve: hi, consume. what's your name? >> eileen. steve: take a look. have you seen this? >> not here. yeah. but yes. >> you know who that is? >> no, i don't. steve: that's president obama. >> wow. he's awesome. steve: he's in good shape. >> yes. steve: you know what? he also looks like he doesn't have a care in the world. it's kind of hard to be responsible for 319 million people and then after that you want to party. >> yes. steve: all right. >> he deserves it. steve: all right. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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steve: where are you going? >> work. yeah. steve: what do you do? >> i work at the un. steve: oh, is that it? well, tell everyone at the un we said hi. i'm not going to mention the part that donald trump wants to cut their funding, so she could be out of work. fair and balanced. brian: do you realize what we're doing? we're talking to people at the un, and yesterday we addressed the universe with ms. universe. we are really capturing the world. steve: that's fox and friends. there you go. brian: come on in, steve. ainsley: thank you, steve. all right. we've got some headlines. abby is standing over there. >> good morning, guys. we do have some other headlines to get to. starting with this. is this a preview of a massachusetts senate race to come? former major league pitcher kurt bringing the high heat against elizabeth warren. >> as i've talked about potentially running for senate
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and running against, this is a blue-collar state. there is no way that the fisherman on cape cod are elizabeth warren fans. she represents everything we hate about politics. >> shilling did not say when he'll make a decision about running in 2018 but, boy, that would be a race to watch, huh? and the desperate manhunt for a quadruple murder suspects end in death. billie shooting himself after an hour's long standoff against police. his suspected accomplice surrounding alive and now behind bars. the pair is expected of killing four women in florida and alabama. their latest victim a mother who died after being shot inside her home. her baby just steps away. so horrible. most of the murders do appear to be random. and talk about a bad day at work. a woman narrowly escaping a propane inferno inside this idaho store where she works. she walked outside to make a
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call after smelling gas and checked the pilot light on a water heater. well, two minutes later flames flash out of the tank going all the way to the wall starting that fire. it was due to the snow pack regulator outside. luckily no one was hurt. and an epic parade for a epic super bowl parade. tom brady and the patriots celebrating their fifth championship. one that million fans to cheer them on and one player was really, really having fun. >> what's up, boston. >> tight end rob gronk turning the parade into a party. catching beers from the crowd. chugging and spiking them. and, by the way, it has now been three days and tom brady's jersey is still missing. and that's not even it. running back lost the football that he scored the game-winning touchdown. he forgot to take it during
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the celebration. a lot of missing things. brian: i have no idea. i know espn did five hours on it looking through all the security cameras. i guess it's worth a lot of money. ainsley: janice dean to check our forecast. >> it's going to be 60 degrees but let me tell you this time tomorrow i'm going to be buried under six to ten inches of snow. i'm going to be doing those snow angels. but i tell you we're going to have delays, we're going to have cancellations, we're going to have school closings all up and down up towards philly and boston. the main event comes tomorrow morning i would say around 5:00 a.m., and it will last throughout the afternoon. it's out of here by 5:00 a.m. but we could see snowfall rates of one to three inches per hour. the potential of thunder, snow, which doesn't happen very often. so very dynamic system and, again, anywhere from six to ten inches perhaps higher totals in some cases. we're going to be doing a situation called now casting.
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this time tomorrow where we could get upwards of a foot of snow in and around the new york city area. so that's going to be the big story. we will be covering it all morning long on fox and friends. you can betcha. back to you. ainsley: we'll already be at work, so we won't be affected. steve: we'll see. when i was out there and talking to the young woman who works at the un, and i said i'm not going to tell her about the donald trump proposed cuts. i was unfamiliar with what the exact number is. according to the washington post, the trump administration is preparing a 40% reduction in voluntarily u.s. support to the united nations. brian: that's a lot of money. steve: that's a lot of dough. ainsley: she seemed very happy. steve: didn't include that part. well, with any luck, she would not be impacted. but you never know. ainsley: yeah. steve: meanwhile we tried to bring you this interview yesterday. >> i struggled until i was 31. i had no idea that i had a learning challenge. steve: well, this morning the rest of our great interview
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with henry winkler and the struggles he said straight ahead. brian: and senator elizabeth warren shut down on the senate floor. >> is there objections? >> i've got. >> i appeal the ruling -- >> objection is heard. the senator will take her seat. steve: wow. so what do her colleagues think about that? we're going to ask senator jeff flake next. he's going to answer. z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty
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this is the story of green mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's take a trip to la plata, colombia. this is boris calvo. that's pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even better coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. that's blanca. yup, pepe and blanca got together. things happen. all this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee. packed with goodness. brian: all right. it's known as the most liberal circuit court in the country. currently ruling on president trump's travel order, as you know, but now there are plans to break up the ninth circuit court of appeals. republican lawmakers from arizona are leading the charge. saying the circuit is the most overburdened, overturned in the country.
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joining us now arizona senator jeff flake. senator, we're watching this play out, you're fed up, and you're taking action. why now? >> well, there are has been legislation ever since 1941 to split the ninth circuit. it's far too big. it represents 20% of the population in the country. 40% of the landmass is in that jurisdiction, and it's just too big. we have a bedrock principle of swift access to justice. and if you live in arizona or anywhere in the ninth circuit, you just don't have it. 15 months it takes for the average decision to be handed down. and that's far too long. brian: so how do you propose breaking it up? and what are you going to need in terms of legislation? >> well, we've got legislation that we just introduced to create a 12th circuit. like i said, this has been long and coming, and it's been introduced a lot. the problem is the judges in the ninth circuit particularly the liberal judges don't want to give up any of their
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jurisdiction. so the 12th would include arizona and idaho and the state of washington. the new circuit would be located in the state washington and alaska as well. and it would be far more manageable for the court. brian: we'll see what happens with this stition. do you have a sense from what you know, what you've been able to hear where the decision's going to go in the ninth district as it comes to donal donald trump's temporary ban? >> i don't have any. i frankly don't think it will be upheld ultimately whether it's the ninth circuit or u.s. supreme court. i do believe it was lawful. there's a difference it being lawful and it being a good idea. i think if people can differ on that. but i do think it is lawful. brian: do you differ on that? >> yeah. i do. i think we ought to have vetting increased certainly. but i do differ on the -- brian: 90-day pause? >> yes. brian: senator, let's move on. senator warren essentially the
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democrats for two days are holding their breath until they get their own way, and they're not. betsy devos kept the senate open two nights ago and last night they kept it open because of the senator sessions. some were speaking out against him. senator elizabeth warren came out and got personal with sessions, and she was told to sit down. basically silenced by mitch mcconnell. did he do the right thing? >> well, we have rules in the senate just like the house of representatives. rule 19. it's been in effect for more than 100 years. it started i think it was needed because 1908 there was a fistfight on the senate floor. so you don't impugn another member's character. and i think it's a good rule. we've seen it employed in the house a number of times. one time i was speaking and the house on lifting the cuba travel ban republican members stood up and said the member just wants to lift the travel ban so he can drink m on the beach.
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of course i'm mormon an, i don't drink. they were shut down. we ought to have decorum on the senate floor. brian: you seem to be talking at each other rather than to each other, and it's been nonstop. senator, thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it. brian: coming up straight ahead. we tried to bring you this interview yesterday. >> i struggled until i was 31. i had no idea that i had a learning challenge. brian: this morning the rest of our fascinating interview with the man we call henry winkler. but first let's check in a guy who doesn't go by that name. bill help mer. he's back in new york and he's going to be doing my radio show later. but what's your tv show about? >> it's an honor to work for brian in washington. we're hearing what president trump has to say about law and order. about to make a morning address to a group of sheriffs in washington d.c. also we're waiting on the court ruling and travel ban it may come any moment.
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while we wait, senator ted cruz is live to talk about that and where we are on obamacare. it's a big morning here. hope to see you in ten minutes. top of the hour right here which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said "mr. garner, are you related to jennifer?" kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, "as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter". so now dad has the venture card, he's earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what's in your wallet? nice job dad.
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steve: you first got to know him from happy days but today that actor is on a new mission. henry winkler joins us with his latest book. it's number 33. it's here's hank. always watch out for the flying potato salad. ladies and gentlemen, henry winkler. >> it is always a pleasure to ch steve: it's great to have you as well. >> thank you. steve: you know, when we saw you in happy days, you were the coolest guy.
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and nobody knew that you personally -- if they handed you a script, you were going to struggle to find out over what the heck it said. >> it is exactly right. i struggled until i was 31. i had no idea that i had a learning challenge. steve: you were dyslexic. >> i just the, oh, my goodness this is so humiliating. steve: how has it impacted you today? >> i still can't spell. the word schedule. because i have to write e-mails about my schedule a lot. to this day, i cannot sound the word out. schedule is typed in red just above my computer, and you must look at it. i don't hear words in my head. i only know them. steve: but you have had a great life, and you figured out how to work around it. >> and that's the point. steve: it's a learning difference. >> it's a learning difference. and you learn how to negotiate it, and you learn to meet your dream. and that's what i'm doing. i'm meeting my dream. steve: and you're writing books.
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this is your 33ed. tell us about this particular episode who now has to look out for flying potato salad. >> that's right. he goes to work with his mom. it is take your child to work day. steve: okay. >> she owns the deli, that was my deli on 7th street and broadway. steve: based on a real place. >> based on a real place. they live in my apartment, go to school. okay. he has to make sandwiches. he can't write the word menu, let alone write down whatever the people are organized, and then he gets confused. if he tries to remember, the bully comes in. he wants a triple decker with p. what would he do? he could step on it because it's the bully. washes it, he knows that he's drained it pretty well. he pats it with paper towel.
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they make the sandwich. the bully takes a bite and all of a sudden there's a bubble that comes out of the bully's mouth and pops in the air. steve: oh, how great is that? >> yeah. steve: you're so good at telling stories and given the fact that you understand learning challenges, learning differences that so many people are moving through their lives with. it's great that you're so good with this. >> well, both my partner and i have worked in television. lynn was a producer of television. i am an actor of television. if we don't make each other laugh, it doesn't go in. because these are comedies first. and the emotion is true because i remember what it is to be 8 and not do well. steve: well, i have read the book. it is very good. >> thank you. steve: it's called here's hank. always watch out for the flying potato salad. >> it's true. you have to. you get it in your eye. you have to add lettuce, at th tomato. you have a sandwich in your eye. steve: harry winkler, thank
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you. >> thank you sinus headache? what stiff joints? what time of the month cramps? what nighttime pain? make all your pains a distant memory with advil the world's #1 choice what pain? advil.
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>> tomorrow is thursday. tail end of the week. we have judge napolitano on live with us. tomorrow tia kyle. >> i'll be on later if you have some time. >> bill: fox news alert now. any moment now president trump said to speak live at a gathering of sheriffs in washington, d.c. as soon as that happens we'll bring it to you live. first we watch and wait for a decision. attorneys making their case to a federal appeals panel to reinstate president trump's travel ban and a ruling on that could come at any moment. as we do that today we say good morning. back in new york city i'm bill hemmer live in "america's newsroom." >> i'm ready for a big day. excited. i'm melissa francis in for shannon bream. in the meantime an appeals court panel hearing arguments by phone. the justice department arguing president


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